The ultimate vision and overall purpose of Prissy Girlz is to empower women who have experienced life altering events regain control of their lives, by hosting training and educational events, as well as, assisting individuals with finding appropriate resources. As a Christian organization, we work with women to realize their purpose and help them develop a plan that will assist them in finding wholeness, both spiritually and naturally. Our hope is that our program brings forth completely healed, confident, and high-functioning women, making a difference in society and their individual communities.
Evangelist Sharon Polk - President and Founder As the author of The Beauty for Ashes Saga, a Christian fiction novellas' series, Sharon created, Prissy Girls, Inc., an organization in book II, "Darkest Before Dawn," dedicated to helping women with various issues. The concept was birthed from one of the characters, Priscilla (Prissy) Roads, who was imprisoned and used as a sex slave. There are several women in the series. Each with her own set of issues she is endeavoring to overcome, just like real life. Prissy Girlz (changed from 's' to 'z') is an organization dedicated to helping women of all backgrounds become whole.
Sharon is a licensed Evangelist of the gospel in the Washington D.C. area. She is the CEO of Novellas By Sharon, Inc., a for profit organization, which produces Christian Fiction and founder and director of non-profit, Prissy Girlz, dedicated to empowering women who have experienced life altering events regain control of their lives. Sharon has a Bachelor of Science degree in business and is a published poet. She is involved in prison ministry and has ministered to women in detention centers, as well as, half way houses for the last nineteen years. While ministering in a detention center in the Washington area, she developed a life skills curriculum geared towards equipping and empowering young girls. Sharon has dedicated her life to encouraging people and advancing the Kingdom of God. Her deep commitment to women’s issues is the catalyst for her novellas, Hidden Secrets, Darkest Before Dawn, By Any Means, and Triumph from the Beauty for Ashes saga. She happily married to Minister William H. Polk, Jr. |
Minister William Polk - Vice PresidentMinister Bill Polk is the head engineer and director of the audio ministry for Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church in Washington DC; where Archbishop Alfred A. Owens and Evangelist Susie C. Owens are pastors. Minister Polk is also the creator and head instructor of "He That Hath an Ear" a Christian-based audio engineering course. It is his belief that in a battle for souls the church should be as well-equipped as the world and his work stands in agreement with the scripture "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches".
Minister Polk was licensed into ministry in 1980 and was certified as an audio specialist from The Center for the Media Arts in 1985. Minister Polk has over 32 years of ministry experience and over 25 years of experience in the professional audio industry that includes both live and recorded sound. As he is a gifted singer-songwriter and arranger he has a unique insight on vocals and music that emerges in his mixing technique, however it is his many years in ministry that puts it all into proper perspective. His musical talents were cultivated at Queens College in New York where he attended on a full music scholarship. His hands-on skills as an audio technician allowed him to assist in the installation of the WUSA television studio in Washington DC. As head Engineer and director of the audio ministry at Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church, he oversees a staff of more than twenty audio technicians. Because he has worked in both the secular and religious arenas, he brings a perfect blend of professionalism, technical expertise, and a reverence for God to his work. To add to his versatility Minister Polk has an extensive list of credits that highlight his career in audio engineering. He was the audio engineer for producer Vy Higginson’s stage production of “Mamma I Wanna Sing" and audio design engineer for the New York stage company and touring company of "Mamma I Wanna Sing Part Two" and "Let the Music Play Gospel". His gifting has even allowed him the opportunity to work with great Quincy Jones and opened for the late great Ray Charles. Minister Polk is married to Evangelist Sharon Polk. He has two children, Maurice and Alexis; and one granddaughter Mia Leiloni. |
Earl T. Murray III - TREASUREREarl T. Murray III is a trainer, coach, and strategist that works with millennials and entrepreneurs to take control of their finances. He has taught and coached hundreds of individuals, startups, andentrepreneurs since 2010 to create a financial plan, get out of debt, improve their credit, design a business frameworkand generate additional revenue streams. Earl’s highest priority is to help people succeed and obtain financial freedom so they can live their purpose regardless of their career choice.
Heis the President & CEO of Knowledge Financial Services, LLC which he started in 2013 to provide accounting, tax preparation and financial and business coaching services. Earl has spent the last 14 years of his career improving financial infrastructures, streamlining excess spending of $250K and securing over $4M in funding for small businesses and non-profit organizations. He’s also an Instructor at Career Technical Institute where he trained students to become Bookkeepers and certified in QuickBooks. Now, he facilitates general education courses online for students seeking their Associates of Arts Degree. Earl is a graduate of the University of the District of Columbia where he earned his Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting. He is currently pursuing his securities licenses to become an Investment Advisor. He serves as the Vice President of the Financial Empowerment Ministry and a member of the Board of Trustees at Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church. Earl is a native of Baltimore, Maryland and has lived in Washington, DC for over 12 years. |
Eunice M. Williams-Dowling was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY to the late Rosa Lee and the Late Reverend Elder Aiken Williams, Jr. She attended the schools of Brooklyn, New York. She received her B.A. in Psychology from College of New Rochelle, and MSW from Hunter College. She is presently a Mental Health Professional. Eunice M. Williams-Dowling has a passion for counseling and helping families to reunite and develop strong relationships. Spiritual Heritage Pastor Eunice M. Williams-Dowling accepted Christ at the young age of 12 and was ordained as an Evangelist at the age of 16. She served faithfully under the leadership of the late Pastor Aiken Williams for 19 years at Faith Pentecostal Tabernacle Brooklyn, NY. She held many positions such as Youth & Choir President, Director and Leader of Praise & Worship, Usher President and Church Secretary. She was ordained as the Assistant Pastor of Faith Pentecostal Tabernacle Mission Church in 1993 and shortly thereafter ordained as Pastor on September 27, 1997. Marriage, Family and Pastorate On September 1, 2001, God joined Pastor Eunice Williams to Elder Oliver Dowling in Holy Matrimony. Through this union, God has blessed Pastor Eunice Dowling to be a mother to Anina, DeVawne, and DiAndre Dowling. This union has only enhanced the work that Pastor Eunice has already undertaken. Since 2001, God has merged these two into a powerful leadership team for the ministry of Faith Pentecostal Tabernacle Mission, as Elder Dowling has passionately undergirded and supported the call of God upon Pastor Dowling. Pastor Eunice and Elder Oliver Dowling developed a personal and ministerial relationship with Bishop and Pastor Wesley Knight over many years. Eventually, this led to their association with the Christian Covenant Fellowship of Ministries (CCFM), led by Bishop Michael Blue. The NYC-CCFM Leadership Alliance grew out of this connection, and Pastor Dowling was instrumental in the Alliance from its inception. Pastor Dowling serves as the first Vice President of the Alliance. As a testimony to the Alliance's continued growth and Pastor Dowling's gift of Leadership, she was ceremoniously declared an Overseer in CCFM on June 18, 2011. Using her Kingdom gifts, in combination with her education, Overseer Dowling has facilitated many workshops including, but not limited to, “Teen Dating, Knowing my Purpose, Place & Season, and Living Single.” Through these workshops, many lives have been changed and won to the Kingdom. Overseer Dowling love for people has caused her to be instrumental in developing the FPT Beacon of Hope Inc., which will allow adults and children to receive services such as, mentoring, counseling, and tutorial. As a Poised LeadHer Strategist & Coach, Overseer Eunice Dowling is developing the Poised LeadHer Program for young business women and women in ministry that desire to excel in business and ministry. Overseer Dowling continues to be a light and example wherever she goes. She believes in living according to the Word of God. Overseer Dowling strives for excellence and her ministry continues to inspire and motivate all to serve God |